Travel Series Feature Image

We are looking for anything and everything travel related! The Travel Series is a collection of short stories that have to do with someone’s travel adventures. We are looking for a real-life story or collection of stories (a piece of writing depicting real-life events) that talks about an individual’s experience in any place they wouldn’t consider their home, whether inside or outside of the country they live in. Most people have had the opportunity to travel to a different city/country. We want to start a travel series to engage people all around the world on the common ground of travel and share their passion for other cultures, food, sightseeing, etc.

Launch date: March 01, 2020*
* The Travel series will run from March 1st, 2020 to March 31st, 2020

Here are some prompts:

  • What did you learn about the world? What did you learn about yourself?
  • What’s your favourite place that you’ve travelled to so far?
  • What’s the most interesting thing you’ve seen?
  • What was something challenging that you experienced on your travels?
  • What was your best trip?
  • Who was the most interesting person you’ve met on one of your travels?
  • What’s the most beautiful place you’ve been to?
  • Which country did you enjoy the food/people the most?


Q. Does it have to be my story?
No! It can be your story or that of someone you know.

Q. Can I publish a story anonymously?
Yes. Stories can be anonymous or authored.

Q. How do you define travel?
We define travel as going to any place that you do not consider your home. This includes places inside (another city/province) or outside the country you currently live in.

Q. How many stories can I submit?
As many as you would like. There are no story submission limits.

Q. Is there a word limit?
We would prefer stories that are 500 words or less but do still accept longer stories. Please refer to our Storytelling Guidelines for more information.

Q. Do I have to write about travel?
For your story to be included in this series, yes. If you would like to write about another topic, please let us know and we will include it under one of our other categories instead.

Q. How can I submit my story?
Email it to or fill out the form on our contact us page